Window of Opportunity Grant Project Page

St. Paul Zion Church School
550 Cumnock Road
Sanford, NC 27330
Lee County
Project: Memorial Garden Beautification
The intention with building a memorial garden at St. Paul Zion Church School is threefold. First, we would like provide a beautiful area in which people can come and spend time and visit with their loved one's gravesite. With the church being over 174 years old, there have been multiple generations within our church community that have been, and still remain, a part of our church family.
Secondly, this will be a campus beautification project in which the area will be used to educate parishioners on how to build and sustain a reflective memorial garden. And third, it will be used as a meditative area in which our parishioners can reflect on their learnings and life in general.

Pre-project / Project Beginning

KNCB Visit / Project Completion